Dear Friends,

I have received all revelations and interpreted them. Our future is clear and tangible for me. We begin our movement forward.

This is my call to all outcast and oppressed people to unite under the Purple Banner of FREEDOM.

The teaching of Æo gives real freedom – you will awake to being beyond time and use your mind to control your life. Here, you will find understanding and perspective.

This is my call to all seekers of knowledge and truth to unite under the Purple Banner of WISDOM.

The teaching of Æo will give answers to all questions you may have and become your creed.

This is my call to all downhearted and perplexed people to unite under the Purple Banner of HAPPINESS.

Your life is a product of your thoughts. Sometimes, it is hard to get out of brain traps. Other members of our Community will help you, and you will help them. In this way, you will understand how powerful you are.

This is my call to all artistic and creative minds to unite under the Purple Banner of CREATIVITY.

Inspired by the teaching of Æo, your imagination will know no bounds.

This is my call to all poor and miserable people to unite under the Purple Banner of ABUNDANCE.

Using the teaching of Æo, you will easily get what you need most – wealth and security.

This is my call to all prosperous and thriving people to unite under the Purple Banner of SUCCESS.

Success is relative and changeable. You must be able to consolidate your position and grow further.

This is my call to people of all beliefs, nations and races to unite under the Purple Banner of TOLERANCE.

The teaching of Æo can unite all people without compromising any beliefs. Æo is not jealous and does not require any leaps of faith. Æo has no racial or national prejudices. Prosperity is for all people who join Æo.

This is my call to all earthlings to unite under the Purple Banner of FUTURE.

The teaching of Æo resolves current challenges and opens up prospects for the future. The future belongs to Mission Æo!

This is my call to all earthlings to unite under the Purple Banner of ETERNITY.

The teaching of Æo embraces eternity — all worlds that have been or will be created.

Phil<span class="bp-verified-badge"></span>

Site-Wide Chat 
Jeremy (Jere): hi dave, not bad, thanks

Gintare Grinius: Hi, Dave! I 'm very well. Yourself?

Dave: Phil will visit the Dream Team's chat tonight. You're welcome to take part in the joint manifestation session with hiM.

Jeremy (Jere): oops, i am not a member yet.

Dave: wink quaerite et invenietis

Jeremy (Jere): done the quaerite thing smile

Dave: I can't see your request.

Jeremy (Jere): oh, sorry. i haven't clicked on the right button. what about now?

Dave: Membership granted. Check, please!

Jeremy (Jere): thanks, dave. it works.

Gintare Grinius: I want to ask Phil a question. Will this be ok before the session?

Dave: Actually, you can ask your question anytime via the website's internal message system.

Dave: But if your question does not require too much typing, I guess, Phil will answer it before the session or let you know when you can expect the answer.

Gintare Grinius: Great, thanks.

Dave: See you in the group's chat. You know when. smile

Gintare Grinius: Hi everybody!

Dave: Hi there!

Dave: Have you got any news, Gintare?

Dave: @Gintare Grinius

john1: hi

Gintare Grinius: hi Jere

Artemis: Hello Jere. Long time no see... kissy

Gintare Grinius: Artemis, how's Spain?

Jeremy (Jere): yeh, how is it?

Artemis: Spain is great. The weather is so good compared to my homeland.

Jeremy (Jere): Enjoy. laugh

Gintare Grinius: Hi Wanton. Long time no see. wink

Wanton: hi, gintare - nice to see you again. i'll visit the website more often now. had to much to do during NY period

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