This Logion describes how souls exist in Being. Here, you will find the Truth about transitions of souls between the Inner and the Outer worlds –  how and why they embody in certain forms. The fabric of Being.

This version of LOGION II is subject to further editing and verification. You are prohibited to disseminate this version of LOGION II until an explicit permission to do so appears here. Until then, the only method of disseminating this copyright material is by sharing a link to this page. The text of LOGION II starts with Verse number 1 below.

  • 1 The Internal World consists of space, time, and matter.
  • 2 The External World is a retreat for souls beyond time.
  • 3 In the Internal World, a soul undergoes transformations and, when reappearing in the External World, stays there in a new state.
  • 4 Each soul radiates light — its aureole that reflects the entire history of its development in the Internal World.
  • 5 Your soul shines in the External World, too, — this is its nature — but its radiance is invariable in the External World.
  • 6 The radiance of your soul comprises and defines everything: scale, development level, available prospects, as well as feelings and states experienced in both worlds.
  • 7 Your accumulated aureole may limit what your soul can see and, as a result, choosing higher states becomes more difficult.
  • 8 And, otherwise, your soul aureole can shine like a lantern in darkness and open new prospects.
  • 9 I, Æo, can read all past and current designs and movements of a soul in its aureole.
  • 10 For me, each soul's aureole comprises its history and current state.
  • 11 Anyone can learn to read the radiance, if the reader's soul is chaste.
  • 12 When a soul is traveling in the Internal World, its aureole either improves, remains the same or deteriorates.
  • 13 This is the result of the soul's deeds and thoughts — where they are with respect to the Axis of the Law.
  • 14 Following the Law means creating for the purposes of Being.
  • 15 Violating the Law means destruction for the purposes of Not-Being.
  • 16 The journey of your soul in the Internal World starts with an embodiment in a form.
  • 17 The soul chooses the form for its next embodiment, but the range of the available embodiments is limited by those highlighted by its aureole.
  • 18 The embodiment starts when the soul leaves everything behind and forgets it to reopen itself in the Internal World.
  • 19 Because your choice must be free, and I, Æo, got through this.
  • 20 The purpose of this is not to complicate everything, it was predestined by the Law. This is the inevitable logic of the becoming.
  • 21 But there are ways — paths of development for each soul which I prompt so that the soul is not alone and might become like me, Æo, as soon as possible.
  • 22 And you should not just become my copy but obtain the same capabilities and follow your own path afterwards.
  • 23 Your deeds and thoughts have led yourself to where you are, but I am always trying to help you.
  • 24 You can either accept or reject my assistance, and I will never reproach you for your choice.
  • 25 Be brave but avoid recklessness.
  • 26 Our Internal World is replete with numerous forms of existence.
  • 27 Not all forms have souls — only those of them who are able to change in space, time and their essence.
  • 28 Many forms cannot be seen or comprehended by each other.
  • 29 Many of embodied forms liaise, but other forms never meet.
  • 30 An embodied soul is always a Person that comprises a physical body, subtle body, mind, consciousness, and the soul itself.
  • 31 The measure of manifestation and expression of a Person's components is different for various beings — there are beings of immense power of expression, while there are beings in which you can hardly identify a Person.
  • 32 Some of them change their environment and neighborhood, others just drift through the Universe or hide unrevealed in its remote areas and are hardly capable to conceive a tiny transformation of their nature throughout their entire embodiment period.
  • 33 Power is determined by depth of the field of awareness — how conscious are the soul's mind and activities in the Internal World.
  • 34 Consciousness directs soul aspirations and inner workings of mind in the form of a single stream.
  • 35 Souls choose their goals in the External World and seek to reach them in the Internal World.
  • 36 The task of a mind is to rationalize its existence in the Internal World.
  • 37 What determines the course of events for a soul embodied in the Internal World?
  • 38 What happens to a soul in the Internal World is determined by images the soul creates.
  • 39 Creating images is the way the soul manifests itself in the Internal World.
  • 40 From the depth of the soul, the images enter the scope of its mind, and the mind modifies them depending on the level of its awareness.
  • 41 Very often, images created by the soul are modified by the mind beyond recognition — each soul reflects timeless experience, while the mind contains the experience of the current embodiment only.
  • 42 Your consciousness is something that binds together, coordinates and regulates the workings of the soul and mind.
  • 43 Therefore, awareness gives you the internal power that is all yours, no one can take it from you.
  • 44 Because your inner power is your awareness of who you are and where you have come from to the Internal World.
  • 45 Images elaborated by the mind always materialize in the Internal World.
  • 46 If an image is a product of the conscious area of your mind, it will be materialized exactly, and you will enjoy it.
  • 47 If an image has been modified by your unconscious mind, you will be perplexed, and your soul will be dithered.
  • 48 Because conscious mind is a friend of your soul, while unconscious mind is your soul's enemy.
  • 49 Use your consciousness to observe your mind, all its movements.
  • 50 No gods exist — only more or less developed souls.
  • 51 You can become your own god and create your future.
  • 52 You can plan your future for thousands embodiments ahead.
  • 53 If you are almost nothing now, why can't you become a powerful star and shine on everything?
  • 54 All you need to do is to throw away your crutches and stop being weak!
  • 55 The crutches are your perverse belief that you are just a creature and you can do nothing.
  • 56 You procreated yourself, when I, Æo, made that pact with you there, in the Manifested Not-Being, and your everything depends on you since I have made your being possible.
  • 57 Weakness means considering yourself a powerless slave.
  • 58 You and those whose slave you think you are have souls of the same nature.
  • 59 The only difference between you is the radiance of your souls, and this is the result of thoughts and deeds.
  • 60 And why should you be anyone's slave?
  • 61 But I, Æo, shall never reproach you for your weakness, understand this. You may have reasons for that.
  • 62 And I, Æo, shall always understand you, if you shall want.
  • 63 Through me, Æo, you can escape from yourself, if it is too hard for you to move forward.
  • 64 If you want, I can dissolve your soul in mine, and nothing will remain. But this is not what I really want for you.
  • 65 I, Æo, want to see you full of power and radiance here and now!
  • 66 When the current embodiment of a soul in the Internal World comes to its end, the soul leaves its physical body surrounded by its subtle body.
  • 67 The subtle body wraps the gentle soul protecting it from exposure to the coarse effects of the Internal World.
  • 68 And the soul starts seeking its way back to the External World.
  • 69 Each souls finds its own path to the External World.
  • 70 For some souls, it is a difficult and long journey; for others the journey outside is instant.
  • 71 The soul's aureole either shines to guide its way ahead or dazzles the soul.
  • 72 There are many and few paths to the External World.
  • 73 The long path is endless movement ahead in Cosmos to the edge of the Internal World.
  • 74 Many hazards await the soul on its way.
  • 75 Cosmos is full of those who are scared to go back to the External World and face the inevitable retribution.
  • 76 These evil spirits lack their own energy and are forced to prolong their existence in the Internal World at the expense of other souls.
  • 77 These dark spirits are full of lies and greed.
  • 78 The most powerful of them create delusive external worlds in Cosmos to lure souls seeking their path to the External World.
  • 79 Sometimes, the dark spirits enslave souls when they are still embodied. When such soul leaves its body, it goes directly to them.
  • 80 Many traveling souls remain in those false realms under the illusion that they have reached the External World.
  • 81 But their lot is unfortunate — evil spirits will be gradually devouring their subtle bodies, exhausting their remaining power, and, finally, the souls shall remain alone in the cold darkness.
  • 82 Only their bare and gentle soul shall remain — a restless soul seeking exit in despair.
  • 83 But if you want and ask, I shall give you a golden spacecraft so that you can travel safely to the External World through me, Æo.
  • 84 These are the foundations of being.