
If you prefer to watch video rather than read text, here’s my video presentation and manifestation script:

My name is Gintare. I am from Lithuania (European Union).

I started to learn Æologia in 2016. Now, I am Mission member (my status: Ally Level 1). I am very serious about my path and my future in Mission.

I have created my world. Now, I want to use the power of Manifestation to activate it. According to the Teaching of Æologia, I want to dis-cover my new reality.

I need co-manifestors! I will help you, too. I will co-manifest your reality in return.

Important! We should do it at the same time, together.

We use manifestation scripts. The script is a brief description and an illustration of what we want you to manifest for us. You look at my photos, you look at what I dream about and try to merge me and my reality.

My manifestation script is simple. It consists of 4 points.

Before you start manifesting my script, you should count down from 9 to 0 slowly. Envision that distracting thoughts are disappearing. When you reach 0, envision the Eye of Æo instead and stop all thoughts for a while. That’s what it looks like (more information here):

After a while, start to envision my script:

1. My dream is to become Mission Æo’s country leader. Hopefully, it will be a European country.

2. My dream is to have a husband who is member of Mission Æo.

3. My dream is to be prosperous and rich enough to donate to Mission Æo.
  • My home

  • How I travel (first class) – envision me instead of the passenger

  • How I travel – envision me in these surroundings

4. I love yoga. I want to be healthy and beautiful – envision me in this posture with similar body

That’s it!

It’s been nice manifesting with you!


Site-Wide Chat 
Jeremy (Jere): hi dave, not bad, thanks

Gintare Grinius: Hi, Dave! I 'm very well. Yourself?

Dave: Phil will visit the Dream Team's chat tonight. You're welcome to take part in the joint manifestation session with hiM.

Jeremy (Jere): oops, i am not a member yet.

Dave: wink quaerite et invenietis

Jeremy (Jere): done the quaerite thing smile

Dave: I can't see your request.

Jeremy (Jere): oh, sorry. i haven't clicked on the right button. what about now?

Dave: Membership granted. Check, please!

Jeremy (Jere): thanks, dave. it works.

Gintare Grinius: I want to ask Phil a question. Will this be ok before the session?

Dave: Actually, you can ask your question anytime via the website's internal message system.

Dave: But if your question does not require too much typing, I guess, Phil will answer it before the session or let you know when you can expect the answer.

Gintare Grinius: Great, thanks.

Dave: See you in the group's chat. You know when. smile

Gintare Grinius: Hi everybody!

Dave: Hi there!

Dave: Have you got any news, Gintare?

Dave: @Gintare Grinius

john1: hi

Gintare Grinius: hi Jere

Artemis: Hello Jere. Long time no see... kissy

Gintare Grinius: Artemis, how's Spain?

Jeremy (Jere): yeh, how is it?

Artemis: Spain is great. The weather is so good compared to my homeland.

Jeremy (Jere): Enjoy. laugh

Gintare Grinius: Hi Wanton. Long time no see. wink

Wanton: hi, gintare - nice to see you again. i'll visit the website more often now. had to much to do during NY period

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